Sunday, 4 October 2009

Golden Sun DS (3)

Last night I flipped through my Golden Sun guide and really felt like playing it again. So this morning I went on Google to search for Golden Sun 3, I didnt expect to find anything... but it turned out I was wrong!


“Golden Sun™ DS: After going dark six years ago, 2010 will see a new dawn. Golden Sun DS updates the popular portable Golden Sun role-playing series with an impressive graphical style. This installment follows the story of the previous heroes’ descendants and immerses players into the magic of its adventure by pushing the boundaries of intuitive touch-screen controls. Golden Sun DS is playable on the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi systems.”

Here is the trailer for it ><

It is a shame I found this out 4 months later but at least now there is something to look forward to next year! For those people who dont know Golden Sun, it started out as a Gameboy Advance RPG game. (Thanks to Jason for introducing it to me) The gameplay style is similar to Final Fantasy's where you control a guy on a world map and when you encouter monsters, it switches to 4 people taking turn fight scene. The story is unbelievably awesome and the graphics was pretty good for a GBA game. It was so good that one game could not finish it...

Yes there was Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age. This time you play as another party that was introduced as NPC in the first game and you meet up with the characters you played in the first game. Oh yeah forgot to mention, its not just world map movement and fighting mobs. When you enter town or caves, you control the main character and you have to solve puzzles, talk to npcs in order to move on. The puzzles are always a challenge. Are they fun? Hmmm... yeaaaa... =.= Its not fun when you're stuck on it for hours!

If you havent try Golden Sun yet, please do. It is one of those games you play and will not regret spending all those times on it. I strongly recommend this series. Lets hope Golden Sun DS can continue the legacy. Cant wait!

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