Monday, 9 November 2009

End of university and Surrogates

Well today marked the end of first year in uni. Reflecting back, I had a pretty good year in Auckland uni actually. Made some new friends, reunited with lots of old friends, learned heaps of sht from the subjects (hopefully I'll still remember them next year), played basketball with mates and random people (I've definately improved), learned to work out, ate different food everyday and learned how to play pool.

I finished my 2 hours International Business exam, I tried my best but I still felt less confident comparing to my engineering exams. Jerrell and I went to play pool while waiting for others to finish their Economics exam. I was a bit rusty due to 2 weeks of no playing but still managed to just beat Jerrell :). We then went to Genzui and met up with the others. Was kinda suprised to see the number of people there, thought it was just a few ppl. There were us, Albert, Ming, Sherman, Audrey, Ming's gf and a girl I didnt know but recognise from somewhere...

I ordered Miso Katsu Don and shared Takoyaki, it was extremely filling I had no idea why. I was really hungry before but I could just finished it. Jerrell ate suprisingly fast cause I guess his pride was on the line or something lol! Afterwards we made our way to the cinema, just before purchasing the tickets, two factions arised. There was the Surrogates faction and then there was the This is it! faction. I was in the middle since I wanted to see both but in the end Surrogates won. We were 10mins late therefore we had to sit 2 rows from the front, had to tilt our necks.

The movie I thought had the idea however it felt uncomplete. The ending did not satisfied me, the story had way more potential. Not enough action also, I guess Bruce Willis is getting old.. too bad. I rate this movie an average. After the movie, we went to get milk tea at a new store just right opposite the cinema: Easy Way. They were having a promotion sale, $3 for any regular sized and $4 for any large drinks. It was there I realised my wallet was missing! So Sherman (how kind of him) and I rushed back up, ran like 3 flights of stairs and luckyily it was right there, on my seat. The cleaning lady was just about to get to it!

So I retrieved it, bought milk tea. Then Audrey had to leave in a hurry and Sherman who didnt order anything got a free milk tea! I guess thats his reward for him running up the stairs lol. It was a cool last day of uni and tomorrow gotta wake up early again... to play basketball ><

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