Wednesday, 8 June 2011

X-Men: First Class

No more management reflections! Actually to a certain extent they did help with my learning cause the only 303 materials I know right now is from what I wrote. Anyway after submitting our 370 lab reports and studied hard for a few hours, Dixon, Dennis, Jp and I went to watch X-Men: First Class. To be honest I was actually looking forward to this movie, the whole "Before he was Professor X. Before he was Magneto" thing really sparked my interest. Good job to the advertising department lol

Since this movie is fairly new, I'll try to keep the spoilers minimum. To start off I really enjoyed this movie. It realy showed the beginning of the entire X-Men series, the past of both Charles and Erik. It showed how their friendship is considered top above anything else. We always knew that Charles and Magneto had some sort of past together and finally this reveals it. You also see how some of the original X-Mens come about like Mystique which was pretty interesting.

I thought the soundtrack used was nice, it really suited the way the battle turned out. I also liked the guy who played Charles, a much better job here compared to when he was in Wanted. He seemed confident and really portrayed the image of Charles Xavier, his passion to help to mutants. One thing I didnt really like was the mutants powers, I think they're starting to run out of ideas lol. They reused old ones and the new ones were pretty random... But overall, I recommend to watch this movie, cinemas, yeah if you want the good effects and sound but definately worth downloading x) 8/10

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