Tuesday, 15 December 2009


First update in December! Sorry for the lack of posts, it is just that so far not much has happened. Next month will be exciting since I'll be going on a 6 days trip to Malaysia so I'm looking forward to that. I guess now I'll write my thoughts on some movies and Clannad.

During the flight from Australia to Taiwan I watched Up and Inkheart. Up, I reckon was slightly overrated. Maybe because I assumed it would be like Pixar's previous masterpiece Wall-E or maybe it was just the fact I found the movie pretty random. Like dragging a house or gigantic bird or uhhh talking dogs. Most of the funny bits were shown already on the trailer so that kinda spoiled the movie for me. Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying the movie was bad. It was a standard Pixar film, enjoyable as always however for this one I thought few things did not click or fit well together.

Inkheart staring that main guy from the Mummy, Brendan Fraser. Thought it would be a good film to watch since I enjoyed his humour in the Mummy series. However in this film, there werent many funny nor action moments. This was more of a children's film where everyone tries to save everyone around them and stuff.

Now on to Clannad. When I first saw Clannad, I was like wtf is this girl anime because it was the first time I watched a lolicon/loli style anime (meaning all the characters are all really young and cute, yes even the guys). But I ignored the cuteness and carried on watching, soon realising this anime is good as.

A special thing about Clannad is that every episode, you can feel the emotion it wants you to feel. I honestly laughed my ass off at the funny bits cause it was just too funny ><. You can feel embarrassed for the characters since they'll do the most wtf things. Not to mention sadness, during one episode, I couldnt stop tears from falling down. Emotion 100% anime, you really feel for the characters.

My favourite character will have to be Sunohara so far. He's like the funny guy who always gets pranked on and beaten up. Although he is always messing around, deep downn he is a solid support friend.

I've finished watching the first season, going to start watching the second season Clannad: After Story soon. Depending on what the second season is like, Clannad could be one of the top anime in my list so far I'm ranking it pretty high, strongly recommended.

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