Monday, 21 December 2009

6.8 Earthquake Hits Taiwan

Last night at around 9pm, my time, an earthquake magnitude 6.8 was felt throughout Taiwan. It is said that this quake is the biggest this year. I was in a book store at that time and I felt something was weird when I was walking but I thought I was just dizzy or something. Then suddenly everyone in the store suddenly had a serious look on their face and were looking up. I looked up also and saw the glass that was hanging off the ceiling was shaking. Since I was on the 3rd floor, we only felt a slight shake. We then quickly rang back home and asked if grandma was alright since we live on the 13th floor. She said she couldnt even stand straight and had to hold on to the furnitures.

The earthquake originated 25km from the east coast of Taiwan. Hundreds of aftershocks happened after the big quake. Although none of us felt those. Tsunami warning was issued for Japan. I live in Kaohsiung, that is south west of Taiwan so we were the furthest away from the quake, the magnitude here was only 4. Bullet trains and trains were suspended for track checking. On the news, some dude was sitting in his car when the earthquake happened and a water tank fell on his car. Luckily he was alright but it must've been friggin scary. Imagine just chilling in your car and suddenly BOOM, lol...

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