Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Big Bang - Lies

Finall got a bit of a breather after finishing the electrical test today. Anyway Alvin distracted me last night with my studies (wasted like an hour) with a parody of the song Lies by Big Bang. Anyway I have always loved the song and the music video for it, one of my favourite ones. The parody was done really well and extremely funny! XD



Rumour has it that a girl in 2nd year engineering was involved in this?
There is also a blooper vid for it, it is honestly r o f l

Oh also congrats on Suns taking game 2! Nearly 30 points over, thats what im talking about!

Monday, 19 April 2010

Uni again / NBA playoffs

First week back in uni, been busy doing the maths project. Thanks to all that helped, would have never gotten it if you didnt explain it to me :D Didnt do much in the holidays, really regretting that I didnt plan a trip to go somewhere outdoors. Will definately go somewhere during the next holiday, already got some ideas in mind. Skiing on some moutain perhaps or maybe go down to South Island??

NBA playoff also started yesterday! Each team seemed all pumped up, I noticed more contact and aggressiveness from the players lol. I support the Phoenix Suns, I really admire Steve Nash and Amar'e Stoudemire. Nash's team play and Stoudemire's attitude and inside game is a force to be reckoned with! Game 1 with Portland Trail Blazer...not so good... Come on guys! They had no roy, no oden and we had home court! Take the next game!

Saw Shimeen's entry today and I thought it was really well written, here it is A long bus ride.

Monday, 12 April 2010


Kinda delayed this review for a week or so. Last Tuesday my internet provider randomly went down and I had nothing to do so I decided to watch Bakemonogatari.

At first it was sort of random, it wasnt an insanely attention grabbing first episode. But I did notice humour and it made me laugh so I decided to press on. The more episodes you watch, the more it grows on you and by the end I was glad that I watched such an interesting anime.

The story is about a guy who is part vampire and his encounters with other oddities like ghosts, bad spirits. This anime has many themes like romance (quite exciting due to the characters involved), humour (can be dry but you get used to it), action (can be extremely bloody when it needs to be) and mysteries (you dont know like how stuff started and how things gonna end). I guess that is why it is such an enjoyable anime to watch, all those factors combine is something you can not dislike.

This anime is fairly new, came out last year if I'm not mistaken. The style is quite unique and modern, I have never seen any anime like it. It uses a lot of subliminial message (I think thats what its called) like where it just flashes a random image for a second. At first I found it irritating but then I got used to it, it is just the style of the anime. The drawing is simple yet stylish, I liked it, I think the manga was drawn by a taiwanese guy, woot!

I liked the background music they used during the anime, it fits well during those explanation scenes. They also used different openings for different characters, which was nicely done. It corresponded with the characters really well. I enjoyed most of their songs, pretty easy going sort of music.

You would enjoy this anime better if you were really fluent or if you are a Japanese. Since a lot of the explanations are play on words and puns from Japanese. I understood some bits of it (since I can read Kanji and know some vocabs) and I thought it was quite clever. But yeah this anime has quite a few talking scenes so beware lol. Even so I definately give Bakemonogatari a solid 8/10, I might move it up since I still havent finished watching it yet. The last episode comes out in June or something -.-

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Taiwan's Susan Boyle

Win. End of story.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Clash of the Titans

Went to Imax to check out the 3D Clash of the Titans last night. Got there and found that basically all the seats were booked except for some crappy ones at the very front. So we had to watch the next one at 9:10... To kill time, we went to eat dinner and play pool. Angie was just too unpredictable, keep getting the weirdest shots in and I was like helping them along by sinking their balls and not ours =.= So we ended up getting owned 3-0.

Ok from now on, Im not going to watch any movie that is 3D. Like Avatar there were hardly anything that is 3d. If 3d meant that the characters looked kinda real ON the screen then yea ok... but Im pretty sure that 3d meant that the characters are suppose to have a pop out effect in front of your eyes. So I was again pretty disappointed with the 3Dness...

The story was pretty standard and straight forward. The fight scenes were great and realistic, occasionally funny. Like when the final bad guy comes out, Jason and I were like omg a lvl 50 asmo SM XD I'm loving the current technology that we have for computer rendering and animation, it just made those demons and monsters looked extremely real so I give them a thumbs up on that part.

There were a few element of suprises but they were also random. Quite a bit of the movie did not make actual sense. After the movie, we had a field day just pointing out what didnt make sense, what was extremely dumb and why didnt this guy do that and stuff. It was extremely funny, Angie just kept face palming herself due to the uncontrollable laughter lol! Anyway I thought this movie was all right, entertaining but not because of the story. Probably a 6.5/10 or somewhere around there from me.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Lego Matrix Trinity Help

No more tests, no more pressure. The term has ended. Went out to play pool and momo last night, was really fun and just... relaxing.

This video was the first thing that came up on my google home page and it just gave me laughs. A great start to the holidays.