Monday, 19 April 2010

Uni again / NBA playoffs

First week back in uni, been busy doing the maths project. Thanks to all that helped, would have never gotten it if you didnt explain it to me :D Didnt do much in the holidays, really regretting that I didnt plan a trip to go somewhere outdoors. Will definately go somewhere during the next holiday, already got some ideas in mind. Skiing on some moutain perhaps or maybe go down to South Island??

NBA playoff also started yesterday! Each team seemed all pumped up, I noticed more contact and aggressiveness from the players lol. I support the Phoenix Suns, I really admire Steve Nash and Amar'e Stoudemire. Nash's team play and Stoudemire's attitude and inside game is a force to be reckoned with! Game 1 with Portland Trail Blazer...not so good... Come on guys! They had no roy, no oden and we had home court! Take the next game!

Saw Shimeen's entry today and I thought it was really well written, here it is A long bus ride.

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