Thursday, 17 June 2010

Eden of the East

Started watching this anime last week, finished it 2 days ago. Eden of the East is a very modern anime, aired only last year and is rated quite highly on the net. This anime is more for young adults or adults rather than kids cause the story involves conspiracy, politics and since Im not interested in any of those areas, the anime didnt appeal to me as much as other people. The story starts off with the main character finding himself with memory loss and a phone that will do anything he asks it to do. His journey seeking the answer to why he lost his memories and the true identity of the phone then begins.

The drawings and animation I thought were excellent. Really realistic and just... modern lol, cant think of any other words to describe it. Like you look at the train ticket gate thing, you can see how much detail is on that. All the scenery, city view, etc just looks the same as they do in Japan except animefied <--new word. Not much could be said about the music, I thought it was pretty average. The opening and ending songs... kinda like the opening song but a thing to notice is the art work for them. Really unique and different for each of the songs.

Japan actually made a real version of the phone shown above. Now this is the first time in my life that a phone has sparked my interst. It just looks so damn cool! Now since the anime hasnt officially ended (going to end with 2 movies I think), I cant give my final rating. But my rating for just the anime series will be 5 or 6 /10 since it is not my type of anime.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Shinjuku Incident

Just finished watching Shinjuku Incident starring Jackie Chan and I'm not sure if I can say I liked it since it is not my type of film but it was definately worth watching. The story involved Japanese gangs Yakuza and illegal Chinese immigrants in Japan.

Unlike the usual Jackie Chan movies where they are humourous with plenty of kungfu. This movie was dark, serious and absolutely no kungfu but instead, plenty of violence. Jackie plays a illegal Chinese immigrant who arrived in Japan to find his girlfriend. However only to find that Japan was not an easy place to live, with cops around during the days and yakuza ruling during the nights.

This movie touched on issues like Japan and it's yakuza influence. Kinda like Russian mafias, their existence has placed them in a unmoveable spot within Japanese society. Sure if they break the law, cops has the authority to arrest them however if they were uprooted entirely then Japan would not function as they are now.

Other issues like racism definately comes up in these type of movies. Obviously if you are an illegal immigrant nobody really cares about you and your social status will be at the lowest of low. However if the numbers increase and orders start to form then the host nation will then view you as a threat.

Well I would like to talk more about the movie but then it would be like writing my NCEA lvl 2 essay on films. It is also time for me to sleep, things I've learned from this movie would be... life is really about the choices YOU make, certain events can force you to make harsh decisions and uhh dont do drugs, it really fucks you up, you can see it in the movie. XD I would give this movie quite a high rating like 7/10 although it wont be in my favourite films or watch again list lol...

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Friends helps you learn!

Finally no more assignments, projects, tests, just 3 exams and this semester will be over. First I just wanna say thanks to all my mech friends, if you answered any of my questions, you had just taught me what the lecturer failed to do. :)

For any first years or soon to be in uni people who reads this, friends are really important in uni (actually in all area of learning). They really do help you to pass your course, maybe they view things different to you therefore they can understand the things you dont, maybe they went to the class which you missed or maybe they are just smarter than you XD

Lol I just wanted to say thanks but now since the theme of friends has already been set, I'll just carry on.

I've made some new friends this semester and Im really glad I did cause on one hand they are helping me passing the course and on the other it's fun chatting and laughing with them. What about old friends? Cant forget about your good old mates, they are the people I go to when I need a favour cause well... I trust them.

Now there will be friendly or should i say "intense" competition between friends when it comes to tests and assignments. The smart decision before the test would be to unite as one and help each other with questions. Both the questioner and the answerer benefits since one would obtain new knowledge while the other would apply newly learned knowledge. When the marks are out, you shouldnt get jealous of other's high mark or depressed with your low mark. But rather used those feelings as motivation for the next test. I mean it is pretty pointless crying over marks you cant change, you cant blame it on anyone else since you're the one who did the test.

Anyway enough serious stuff, I finally had time for some fun starting from last Friday. Went to uni early to finish the Pro E drawings for the project, I made our tranmission system all cool and colourful >< After handing it in, I felt so relieved. Then went lunch and played pool with Alvin's crew. Had mean games with Dixon, we both played well but hes clutch, he pulls out his bs skills when he realise that he is losing. I think he sunk 5 or 6 balls straight and cleared the table, while i had 2 left at one time.

Then today went to uni to play ball, waited an hour and half for Shawn but had some good 3v3 games between former westlakes and tgs. Was tied at 2-2 before Sherman's sudden withdraw during the last game. Then went to KFC for lunch which was gg since I was craving for it these past days. Gotta start studying tomorrow...

Hmm wouldnt it be cool if your friends were as awesome as these fellas XD

Ooh also I've added a current favourite song section so I can share the music which I think everyone should have a listen. :D