Thursday, 17 June 2010

Eden of the East

Started watching this anime last week, finished it 2 days ago. Eden of the East is a very modern anime, aired only last year and is rated quite highly on the net. This anime is more for young adults or adults rather than kids cause the story involves conspiracy, politics and since Im not interested in any of those areas, the anime didnt appeal to me as much as other people. The story starts off with the main character finding himself with memory loss and a phone that will do anything he asks it to do. His journey seeking the answer to why he lost his memories and the true identity of the phone then begins.

The drawings and animation I thought were excellent. Really realistic and just... modern lol, cant think of any other words to describe it. Like you look at the train ticket gate thing, you can see how much detail is on that. All the scenery, city view, etc just looks the same as they do in Japan except animefied <--new word. Not much could be said about the music, I thought it was pretty average. The opening and ending songs... kinda like the opening song but a thing to notice is the art work for them. Really unique and different for each of the songs.

Japan actually made a real version of the phone shown above. Now this is the first time in my life that a phone has sparked my interst. It just looks so damn cool! Now since the anime hasnt officially ended (going to end with 2 movies I think), I cant give my final rating. But my rating for just the anime series will be 5 or 6 /10 since it is not my type of anime.

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