Friday, 17 September 2010

Elfen Lied

So I've uploaded the ski trip photos on to facebook, couldnt be bothered doing it on here. The uploader on here is too slow, feels like Im uploading at dial up speed or something... Now I bring you guy my opinions on Elfen Lied

Elfen Lied, another loli-ish anime with characters who have eyes that fills half of their face. Dont be fooled with the innocent looks on their faces, this anime contains heavy violence and plenty of action. Elfen Lied has one of the most memorable and disturbing intro episode I have ever seen. Lets just say it invovled tearing of body parts and loads of blood. Due to the images being too distrubing (for myself and the few general public) I wont post bloody screenshots on here. But please be warned, this anime may not be suitable for young audience or people with weak stomach.

Besides the bloody aspects of this anime, Elfen Lied's story isnt bad. It was interesting enough for me to keep wanting to watch the next episode. It starts off with the introduction of diclonius, a mutant species to the human race (actually tbh cute anime girls with horns on their heads). They have invisible arms that can extend which serves as their weapon or just extra limbs. The anime then carries on exploring a special diclonius, Lucy's past.

The drawings and artwork I thought were really average. They really could have done better. However it was done in 2004 so I wont push on. Another thing to note about the anime is the amount of nudity contains in it. I could accept on some occasion it was appropriate however they just went overbroad with it. An clear example of my point would be, the anime intro song is just Lucy posing nude in every scene. Seeing a young underaged girl naked just isnt my thing, I find it sickening. My guess is that they added just for the fans out there who are just into these things... So again be warned, Elfen Lied not suitable for young audiences.

Nothing really to say about music, other than meh. I wished there was less violence and more funny, everyday life kinda things in the story. It would really suit the characters. One thing I did like was how the anime ended. In most anime, I would be like wtfff at the end since it'll just have bizarre twist or a rush ending. Although this was also a rushing ending, with few unexplained bits, I found this one acceptable and liked it somewhat. Anyway to conclude, Elfen Lied just isnt my type of anime so I rate it at best 5/10 despite the general high rating of 9/10 on the internet.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Tomorrow When The War Began

Just watched Tomorrow When The War Began and thought I'd blog this before I forget. This movie is about 7 friends who went out on their end of the year trip then came back home to find that their home had become a war zone.

I thought the acting was realistic, the actors expression really portrayed their emotion and the situation at that time. I think its cause of their acting (not to mention getting chased by bullets) made me realised how intense the movie really is. The only down side of the movie was the ending, actually there was no ending at all so that was a bit of a bummer.

I quite liked this movie, it kinda opened my eyes a bit. I often think about what happens when an emergency happens, how will I react to that situation eg. a car crash or store robbery something like that. But I never imagined what I'd do if I was in a war. The closest thing to it which I've experienced is paintball lol. I mean normally when we watch a movie or watch tv series about battles or wars, we laugh and go, haha why didnt that guy just shoot him. But if you were in that guy's position, would you have the guts to pull the trigger?

If suddenly I was given a gun and was trapped in my house with 3 of my friends while there are helicopters and soldiers outside searching and hunting civilians. Would I have the courage to lead my friends and try to survive? Or will I just breakdown completely and await death? Well for now I would say, I would stay calm and develop some sort of plan to survive but who knows, under those circumstances, you might not be who you think you are.

I dunno why this movie had such an impact on me. I guess its cause there are various things I can relate to. One, I've just been to a trip like 6 weeks ago so I know what its like out there and the terror of coming back home to find that you house is empty. Two, Im also a teenager, a student. Im not some trained militia, if war is brought upon me, Im not sure what I'll do. And three, like I said before I often find myself thinking about these situations. Anyway, I give this movie a solid 8/10 :D

Sunday, 5 September 2010

So outdated...

Ok, really been a while since my last update. A lot of things has happened, some were expected, some wasnt. The unexpected event was my lung collapse 2-3 weeks ago, I stayed in hospital for nearly a week. Various things kept me from updating my blog, one, obviously my stay in hospital. There was no internet in the hospital :OO Second, assignments tests assignments. Before and after my stay in the hospital, I've been studying for tests and working on assignments. I just finished my software one today but still have 2 more to do...

I finally watched Angels and Demons (with subtitles otherwise I got no clue whats going on lol) and I must say I really liked it. The views of science and religion plus detective reasoning was a perfect mix. Plenty of action, mind 'blasting' storyline and Tom Hanks. This movie is a 10/10 in my eyes.

Upcoming updates: Ski trip photos(really need to get that done), Elfen Lied review, my hospital adventure(if I feel like writing it).

For now I leave you with my current favourite songs.

Redemption - Gackt

Already Over - Red