Sunday, 5 September 2010

So outdated...

Ok, really been a while since my last update. A lot of things has happened, some were expected, some wasnt. The unexpected event was my lung collapse 2-3 weeks ago, I stayed in hospital for nearly a week. Various things kept me from updating my blog, one, obviously my stay in hospital. There was no internet in the hospital :OO Second, assignments tests assignments. Before and after my stay in the hospital, I've been studying for tests and working on assignments. I just finished my software one today but still have 2 more to do...

I finally watched Angels and Demons (with subtitles otherwise I got no clue whats going on lol) and I must say I really liked it. The views of science and religion plus detective reasoning was a perfect mix. Plenty of action, mind 'blasting' storyline and Tom Hanks. This movie is a 10/10 in my eyes.

Upcoming updates: Ski trip photos(really need to get that done), Elfen Lied review, my hospital adventure(if I feel like writing it).

For now I leave you with my current favourite songs.

Redemption - Gackt

Already Over - Red

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