Thursday, 28 October 2010

NBA - My favourite players

Ok it seems like im getting more and more inactive with the blog business. Time between entries is longer and less updates per month. My excuse this time is that I had a pretty insane last month of uni. Just assignments then test then more assignments, one after another. Anyway now that uni has finished, Im hoping that I can get back into this again.

So a bit of a status update on my life, currently on study break. Got an exam next friday and the friday after that then I'll be free :D Need to try to find a job for engineering work experience this holiday. If anyone has any news about it, feel free to contact me. Umm, going for my collapsed lung surgery after my last exam and hopefully I wont get a 3rd collapse again... I really want to get back into basketball. Feeling pretty frustrated that I'm not improving my game while everyone else is. Speaking of basketball, new NBA season started yesterday so I might as well write something about NBA.

My Favourite Players

Steve Nash

If you've played basketball with me then you'll definately know that I'm a Steve Nash fan. Nash is considered one of the best point guard of all times. Right now there are quite a few awesome PGs out there like Jason Kidd (still going strong), Rajon Rondo (getting better everyday), Chris Paul, Deron Williams but none appear to me more other than Nash. His ability of seeing the floor, his team is incredible. The no look passes can easily make the opposing team go wtf? Even I go wtf and Im not even playing! Nash can also drain 3s, drive in and make the most random layup plus his free throws are basically automatic in. I can still go on but I think I'll stop here lol, save some space for the other players.

Jason Williams

Yes another point guard but Jason Williams is nothing like Nash. The only common thing between them is probably seeing the court. I really enjoy watching Jason Williams when he was in Sacremento Kings, he doesnt play as big of a role nowdays. But back in the days, he was the shizz. His passes are wild as, crazy bullet speed behind the back pass, behind the head pass. The one which he is famously known for was the pass off the elbow, I mean who could've thought of that?! Due to his insanely crazy and accurate passes, it earned him the nickname of "The White Chocolate". The blackest white boy who has ever balled in NBA history. He can also shoot 3s pretty well and his layups are usually one handed which allows him to manuever freely in the air.

Dwyane Wade

Finally a black player! LOL jks, D Wade, where to start. Well hes definately NBA's best slasher in my opinion. The way he can dribble through 2 defenders then jump in the air and avoiding 2 more defenders is pretty average for D wade. But it makes me jump up and down on my seat every time he does it. Wade specialises in driving in with the ball, splitting the defence and is damn determined to get that ball in there. The acrobatics he does is just uncomparable. Wade can also dunk with frikin authority, just go watch the one where he dunks over Varejao. Although his shooting isnt as good as his driving in skills, he can still shoot the ball well.

I've only listed here 3 of my favourites, my list carries on however some of the others are Derrick Rose, Manu Ginobli, Tracy McGrady lol I just realised they're all guards. But yeah I didnt include some of the best players right now like Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Kevin Durant. I do recognise their skills however they just do not appeal to me. I prefer watching interesting players rather than consistent players and no, I havent forgot about Michael Jordon. No man has ever reached his level yet, period.

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