Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Management Reflection - week 10

From last week's lectures, I learned most from the the topic of knowledge innovation. There are two types of knowledge, tactit and explicit. Tacit knowledge is knowledge based on one's experience and feelings on the matter while explicit knowledge is written facts and figures presented to you. The lecturer then moved on to knowledge flows, saying that interactions between tacit and explicit knowledge can create numerous flows.

A simple conversation could be the start of a knowledge flow, where one talks about his experience or his way of doing things to another person. Socialisation is the form of tacit to tacit knowledge flow. Externalisation is from tacit to explicit and the most obvious example for it is teaching. Teachers are taking what they know and presenting it to you by putting it on powerpoint slides or notes. The opposite of that is internalisation; explicit to tacit. This is when you take what you learned from what you read,start making it into your habit and adding your own variation to it. Lastly there is combination, explicit to explicit. An example of this could be summerising what you have learned in class, like writing this reflection on learning.

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