Monday, 9 May 2011

One of the best Friday in uni life

So last Friday we planned a gelato day. Thanks to the vouchers that Alvin bought, after the 370 interviews, the crew went down to iStorm - the gelato place. The voucher was pay $4 and get $10 worth of anything in the shop so we each got a $8 glass of special mix gelatos. This is what I got, a triple youghurt one. Sorry for the pic, lighting wasnt great at the store.

We then found there were all these fun interactive, strategy games like Jenga, connect 4, 3D connect 4. So six engineers sat down and battled it out XD Jenga was an epic game, so much manuvering and stabilising was required for it lol. Here is Dixon concentrating...

After Jenga, we moved on to 3D connect 4 and it was one of the best games I've played in a while. Had to think in terms of 3D planes, some lines I just couldnt even see it until it was pointed out LOL. It was also harder since you are playing against 2 other people. So while 3 people were duelling it out on the 3D version, we had 2 others on the simpler normal connect 4. I won that one with ease.

After spending like 2 and a half hours in the store, we decided to leave, went back to engineering and started playing card XD until it was tutorial time. That day was just too relaxed but we also had tonnes of fun :D

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