Sunday, 17 April 2011

Dead Space

So 2 days ago I finished Dead Space, a game I started last month. Warning! This game is designed to scare you so keep away from Dead Space if find these screenshots disturbing. Anyway if you can handle it, you're in for around 20 hours of extreme killing.

You start off in a space shuttle sent to repair a large spaceship called Ishimura however upon landing you immediately notice there is something wrong with the ship. Nobody is around, luggage scatter all over the place and then suddenly you get attacked by these unknown creatures with freakish long limbs that look like blades. At this point you'll realise what you have to do in this game, kill these things and to find out what happened to the ship.

I thought this game was similar to Resident Evil, being 3rd person shooter however Dead Space is much more suprising and tend to do more jumps to startle you. Like in Resident Evil you can see the zombies from miles away but here they'll spawn an enemy right next to you which causes you to panick and start spamming all over the place. Which can be annoying because you have to find your own ammos and guns. The good thing is there are electronic stores on the ship which you use to buy ammos. However you wont be able to buy any new items unless you find the schematics for it first.

You can use these things called power nodes to upgrade your weapons but becareful you wont be able to max out everything on every single weapon. This forces you to think and plan out strategies when you fight these creatures, some weapons are long range while some are short hence some weapon works better against some enemies. A lot of times I ran out of ammo for a certain type of gun which stops me from moving forward since I cant kill the creature thats blocking me.

The graphics and details on the monsters are pretty good especially when you get killed by one of them. They show you exactly how you died, like your head gets chopped off or your body gets ripped in half. Certain effects in the game are also pretty unique, like when you are in a vacuum you can not hear anything also the zero gravity zone can get you pretty confused and lose your sense of direction lol. The downside of Dead Space I think is that it gets really repetitive after half way when you've gotten used to the creatures. Personally I think they should've made the game a bit shorter so players would not get bored of it. Nevertheless, Dead Space is a good game if you're trying to find some excitement in your everyday gaming life.

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