Monday, 27 June 2011

Welcome to the NHK

So finally finished exams! This series of exams is probably the toughest one yet I've experienced in university. Anyway due to the late start of our first exam, I've managed to finish Welcome to the NHK. I've heard this anime being one of the best every so often and now here are my thoughts on it.

The story revolves around the main character Sato who is a hikikomori, a person who basically refuses to go out and stays in his house for life. A random girl called Misaki approaches him and wishes to cure his hikikomori lifestyle. Along the series, he fell into a lot of the traps which made him even more antisocial.

Comedy is probably the best part in Welcome to the NHK, there are so many randomness in this anime that just makes you go wtff and burst out laughing. Since Sato is a hikikomori, its hilarious when he comes into contact with new things he has never experienced before. Another thing which this anime has that a lot doesnt is it portrays life. In normal anime, we see that exciting event always happen around the main character however its a bit different in this anime. The things they do are like a lot of the stuff we do every day so I find the anime extremely easy to relate to it or be in their shoes.

However because this anime reflects on life, you also get disappointments, just like in real life. Like in every other anime, main character will always succeed in accomplish their goals. Welcome to the NHK is not like that type of anime, sometimes they just fail and they just have to move on. I find this slightly unappealing since I watch anime to see scenarios thats NOT happening in real life lol. In summary this anime has been enjoyable to watch, been rated high all over the net and gets an 8/10 from me.

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