Monday, 18 July 2011

Pool Competition

Last saturday I invited Ming, Dixon and Gopi to join me in a pool competition, playing at Newmarket Tenpin Bowling place. Had some free chinese buns then we quickly jumped right into it. There were a total of 12 players including us, we had to play each player twice and record down our score, the one with the most points at the end wins. I did pretty bad when vsing my friends, Gopi 1-1, Dixon 0-2, Ming 0-2 (sunk the black ball but called the wrong pocket). However I did the best out of us when playing against the other adults there. The adults there were pro as, they will always sink at least 3 balls before you get your turn again. I managed to draw 1-1 with most of them with the occasional 2-0. However none of us made it to the top 3 which was quite disappointing.

Newmarket Tenpin Bowling pool area

After pool we went to get some chow, had some pretty good dishes from the Newmarket food court. Then still didnt feel like heading home, we rocked up to Giga internet cafe and started some action on Left 4 Dead 2. Nothing like killing zombies with 3 friends for stress relief (or maybe it builds up stress, especially if you die lol). Anyway it was a fun day, look forward to it again next year!

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