Friday, 27 November 2009

Aion Vision

So ever since the holiday started, I've been living in the world of Aion. I am a lvl 25 Chanter right now, the game is still amazing. Everyday I learn new stuff about it, exploring new places, there are just so many things to do on there. Recently I've been involved in crafting armours, spent ages gathering materials for it and lvling crafting skill and now I am at a resonable stage.

At the beach XD

My sister's character dancing beside a pile of rubbish?

As your level increases so does the pace of the game. You no longer fight random beasts or gather weird looking flowers. You have to start worry about the other race, for us the Asmodians. Like World of Warcraft where there is Alliance vs Horde, on Aion it's Elyos vs Asmodians. They honestly just pop out of no where and strike at you when you least expected.

New area I just explored today

Future of Aion trailer

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