Tuesday, 17 November 2009


Went to play paintball today, fellas met up at my place, Jack, Shuhan, Adam then all got into Raycher's car and we were off. This time we went to North Shore Paintball at Silverdale, last time I went some where across the Harbour Bridge. Saw a Lama farm on the way, which was interesting lol XD. Shimeen and 4 other westlakes were already waiting for us when we got there. We then waited for another car, Sam, Matt and In Hwan... after 15 mins they were no show so we just went in. They finally showed up when we were putting on our overalls. We were lucky that we were the first one to use the new masks that were supplied to them, no weird smell woot!

After the refs went over the safety rules, we were taken to the safe house. We played capture the flag game first where the objective of the game was to get the flag at the enemy base and take it to our base. We had 7 tgs and 6 westlakes so naturally those were the teams. The terrain was a base on one side with forest cover and the other base was on a hill with trenches. We started on the hill first and since it was our first round, everyone wasnt sure on how the strategy works and stuff so no one won. 2nd time, we started in the forest and since we had the forest cover, we moved forward a lot faster since it was hard for them to see us. The game was intense but the In Hwan made an epic run to the flag but got shot on the way back. I think someone else picked it up and got it back to our base or the time ran out.

The next game was attacking/defending game, 5 people will try and defend the hills for i think 15 mins. If they succeed then they win but of course with 8 other people attacking, it was near impossible. I volunteered for the 5, I wouldnt if I knew I was gonna get owned... One of our dude was shot after like the first minute and he stood at such an open space it was impossible for us to save him. Eventually it was down to me and Jack. But we were being overwhelmed soon enough, In Hwan came within like 2m and shot me like 3 times before he got taken down. Afterwards new 5 were selected and we replayed the same game. At one time, half of my team were stranded at an open area and the defending team still had all of their players. Then I saw most of their team were distracted by someone else and I made an epic run and saved all the stranded people before got taken down by Raycher. Since we got our whole team back again, eventually we won.

By that time, most of us were out of paintballs or had little left so we just played one more attackind/defending game with the people who still had heaps of balls defending, there were like 3 people. Due to our insufficient paintballs we could not beat the defenders... Then two people still had a little bit left so they had a duel. One person get to fire twice while one stands still and vice versa, it sure was entertaining watching them. Overall the event was enjoyable, good fun, I think everybody had a great time and I enjoyed sniping (got quite a few headshots) :)

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