Wednesday, 11 November 2009

First day of freedom

Yesterday was the first official day of freedom, woke up at 10 then went to play basketball at uni. I was the last one to arrive but oh well :P Played some 3v3 then went to a chinese restaurant for lunch. I ordered pork baked rice and it was suprisingly good. The flavour was really good which made it really easy to eat/swallow it. With most baked rice I found that I get sick of the cheesy flavour after eating half of it but not this one.

When I got home, I had to quickly do the dishes then rushed to Jason's house to pick up Aion. Played some Tekken 6, I just love the graphics in Tekken 6, so pro. The game is also noob-friendly also, you can randomly spam and pull off an awesome move. That was how I managed to win a few times lol! Then Amos arrived and he just showed everyone whos the boss, just too pro.

Afterwards I just went home and watched X-Men Origin Wolverine. The movie was a bit boring at the start and predictable but the end was pretty good, the action was nicely done. This movie also explained a couple of things like Sabertooth and Wolverine are brothers (well maybe not brothers but they are definately related in one way or another), the origin of Cyclops and how Wolvering became indestructible (his power was similar however it had it's limits, until the upgrade). The last boss was pretty ownage, its like a 5 in 1 combo dude. Overall I liked this movie, I would rate above average.

I also started Aion last night, created a priest, so nice playing Aion again. Now I just gotta get back to where I was last time lol!

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