Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Today I just finished the single player campaign on Modern Warfare 2, I must say the game blew me away completely. I played Modern Warfare 1 last year and I thought it was a really cool game with a good story. MW 2 had all the features from MW 1 plus more, like more weapons, more special interactives eg. climbing along an icy cliff (that really entertained me).

The story continued from MW1, this time with more twists in it. The thing MW likes to do is to kill off the character you are playing, it was a shock to me when I first played MW and I am still trying to adjust to it even on MW2. Like MW, you play in different forces at different places however in MW2 you also get a taste of what it is like being the terrorist, carrying a giant machine gun and just killing innocent people (are we suppose to find joy in that? hmm maybe)

The missions were entertaining as always, like protecting something for a period of time, chasing down someone, infiltrate and blow up stuff or saving someone. Im not a big fan of those running through the battle field to get to the other end cause I always die like 5 times, sometimes I just cant see where the enemies are shooting from XD. I love the ones where I follow a leader and we take down enemies with our sniper rifles. I did not at any point of the game found it boring. It was more like omg cant stop playing cause everytime you die, you respawn almost instantly and you will bound to try again.

As I mentioned before, I really enjoyed those special interactives like driving some sort of transport or climbing up a cliff. It just made the game seem even more realistic and also it gives a refreshing breather from just holding a gun 24/7. Most of the game effects, I thought were pretty well done, realistic enough to make you feel like you are actually in the war zone like grenade/flash effects and soldiers shouting actual commands while fighting. I would definately rate this game above 9.5/10 and cant wait for Modern Warfare 3!

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