Sunday, 14 February 2010

Resident Evil 5

2 days ago I went over to In Hwan's house and lanned some games. We chose to play Resident Evil 5 cause it looked interesting. I must say it was a great choice for a co-op game.

Now Im not familiar with the resident evil game series so I dont understand the overall story but the story within this game was pretty cool. The game is played from a third person shooter view so its like we're looking over our guy's shoulder. I was the girl partner Sheva and inhwan was the dude Chris. The thing you gotta get used to it is that you cant shoot and run at the same time, which can be annoying when theres like a friggin angry african tribe with sharp sticks chasing after you or a big spider leg trying to crush you.

The graphics we both agreed that it was well drawn and also there isnt much difference between the cinematic cut scenes and the gameplay in terms of graphics. That added a plus in my book since Im a graphics gamer guy. Im not sure if we were killing the mobs the wrong way or something but it always seemed like we were always out of bullets lol. Most of the time when we die we were like "OMG WHY DIDNT YOU SHOOT HIM?!" "I CANT, GOT NO FRIGGIN BULLETS!" But now I think about it, maybe it was cause we didnt upgrade our guns throughout the game. We only started upgrading it near the end of the game.

A cool feature that was new for me in terms of gaming is to press specific buttons during cinematics cutscenes. Like you have to press A and D together to dodge an attack and it only gives you literally one second to react. If you dont, you'll just see yourself get owned or cause your partner to die. I remember the first time that happened, I did not know I had to press it and then inhwan just got stabbed into the helicopter, I was LOLOL laughing for like a minute. This game is so intense that it doesnt even let you relax and enjoy the cut scenes lol. We couldnt even read and understand the story because there was always a button you gotta press so we had to stay sharp.

The game had various styles, I mean not just us carrying a gun and shooting stuff. It had puzzles, like moving objects around. Sometimes we had to use the equipments provided to us to defeat bosses, like machine guns, flame throwers, lasers. Strategies are definately required, like one person distract the boss while another gets the weapon or one snipe from long range and one go into close combat. It took us around 12 hours to finish the game. I reckon it would've been better if we took our time and enjoy the game, have breaks, let some feelings sink in instead of marathoned it. But since we had limited time, oh well. Overall rating is GOOD GAME.

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