Sunday, 28 February 2010

Crying Wife

So the holidays are almost over, I thought it was the week after next week that we start school until like 3 days ago... A couple of yays for me this week, yay I got into Mechatronics and yay Im fit again. Two months in Taiwan with hardly any exercise really took a toll on my fitness, I remembered playing bball first week after I arrived in NZ, my entire body ached the next day, could barely move.

Yesterday I stumbled upon a very interesting site. is about a woman who gets really emotional and cries at the most random movie like Star Wars! Her husband, being the cheeky guy he is, films it and post it on youtube and their blog. While most people would be embarrassed and probably hate their partner for doing this, she actually thought that it is funny also and together they made They even got famous and were interviewed by TV and radio. It is really cool to see a regular couple just doing things they love and entertaining the whole world at the same time.

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