Saturday, 20 March 2010

Music reaches into people

So today I had to go to uni to do project with Ming and Angie and on the bus on the way to uni, these 2 pacific island or maori girls got on. They then got their ipod attached to speakers and started playing their music. I guess at first people were kind of annoyed because they were being pretty incosiderate, ruining the peace and quiet of the bus. But then the song was changed to We are the world 25 for Haiti and I felt the mood changed. It felt like the entire bus was listening and enjoying the song. After I got off the bus, these 2 maori guys who sat in front of me were singing and humming the song to themselves. That was when I truly witness the power of music.

After working on the project, we had lunch at Ku Bick, (I had to desperately finish my udon cause of bus -.-). Then took the bus to Newmarket to watch Alice in Wonderland. It was my first time going to the cinema in Newmarket and I thought it looked pretty good. Met up with Catherine and we played air hockey lol~ Ming and I had a pretty intense last battle.

The movie I thought was really really average... definately not worth $13.50, storyline predictable, not much excitement. The only things I liked was Johnny Depp playing the Mad Hatter and the card soldiers looked pretty cool...
After the movie, went to rec centre and shot around with Ming. Used my last day of gym membership, no more gym for me now~~~ T_T

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