Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Selling Ghosts???

I wanted to talk about his 2 days ago however kept forgetting -.-" This auction on Trade Me has been getting views from all over the world last week. Why? cause someone is selling two captured ghosts.


The story that the seller is telling us is that there had been freaky events going on in the house like things turning on and off by itself, getting touched on the back of the neck, dogs wouldnt enter certain rooms. So the seller hired an exorcist and captured 2 ghosts, an old man and an young girl. Since then the events had stopped.

This auction sparked opinions from all kinds of people, there are some who felt disgusted and sick because the seller had no respect for human spirits and just treating them like objects. Some thought that the seller was completely bullshting and its just 2 bottles of blue food colouring dye. Some were amused and asked questions like what would happen if you drank it. I thought the seller handled the bombardment of questions quite well, i think i read it was more than 1300 questions. The seller said that the money from the auction is going to cover the exorcist's fee and the rest is going to SPCA.

Yesterday I watched on Campbell Live and found out the winner of the auction who paid more than $2800 was a company who just wanted to buy it cause the aunction attracted thousands of hits... I didnt feel too happy about that but then again it all comes down to how you view things and what you believe.

So the question here is, do you belive in ghosts? Obviously you wouldnt feel it was right to sell human spirits if you believed that the two vials were ghosts. But what if you dont believe that there are ghosts in there? Then this entire auction was pretty hillarious, someone just paid $2800 for 2 bottles of blue liquid. My personal opinion? I believe in ghosts, they probably exist but I definately wont go around selling and buying ghosts. You know, JUST INCASE they do exist and starts haunting my house :P OR vice versa, I open the bottle and there are no ghosts in it :(

What says you?

1 comment:

  1. lol that's freaky. yeah, i believe ghosts exist, just dont invite em in and dont buy a home before you check who died around the area or the home itself! :O

    nice progress in your blog btw lolol

