Friday, 7 May 2010


Lacking updates... the only reason for that could only be uni... Had back to back test and project due this week. I did not sleep last night, I thought I could finish within 4 hours but instead it was around 15 hours. 40mins before project submission, I found out I left 1/3 of the project at home......SIGH.

A lot of events occured, Im gonna write them down before I forget. First, went to watch Iron Man 2 the day after it's release. Had 2 blackouts before the actual movie started so it kinda ruined the trailers and we had to sit and wait for like 5mins each time. I thought the movie was alright, it was cool but dull at the same time.

Went to play basketball at TGS on sat and on my way driving there, there was a light shower and a perfect semi circle rainbow appeared right in front of my eyes. When I drove past Akoranga Station I could see the 2 ends of the rainbow, it was just there above the sea. I've never seen an end of a rainbow before so I thought it was really cool and no there was no pot of gold.

I had a big night that night, making buckets, good drives, bullsht shots, alleyoop, 3 pointers. It felt good to receive the ball and making shots, which I was struggling to do a month ago. However the saying "the higher you are, the harder you fall" arrived upon me. After attempting a jump shot, my left leg went entirely numb and the pain was unbearable. I had pulled it... All I remembered was a lot of people helped me sat down and executed the proper treatment for it. I am really thankful, honestly.

Also congrats to the Suns making it to the 2nd round! Grant Hill T.T Now with the 2-0 lead against the Spurs, when all odds were against you guys. I have faith!

I also want to go on a trip somewhere away from Auckland in the next holidays. Im just sick of the city, sick of uni, doing the same sht over and over every single day. I need to get out of this never ending cycle. So if you're also feeling the same way as I am then contact me, I'm definately wanting to do something fun and adventurous. Rawr


  1. Go watch Ghost in the Shell, Higurashi, Lucky Star, AIR, Kanon, Gunslinger Girl and Wolf and Spice

  2. Do you have all of them? Can I get them off you? :D
