Thursday, 9 December 2010

Angel Beats!

This anime is so good that it included an exclamation mark in it's name XD
Been trying to get this review going ever since I finished watching it the day before I left NZ but I've been busy and lazy lol~
Anyway Angel Beats! is a new anime only just came out this year, from the same people who made Clannad, this anime had quite a high expectation and Im glad to announce that I also approve this anime.

Compare to Clannad, Angel Beats is more random but includes all the emotional effects from Clannad which makes it so enjoyable to watch. Im talking about all the laughter and sadness that you can really feel from watching one 20 min episode. The graphics are excellent, more stylish rather than cute compare to Clannad however they still got those eyes that fills half of their face XD

Since the story consists of a music band "Girls Dead Monster", sometimes the episode gets musical like Macross Frontier which isnt a bad thing but Im not into any of the songs they sung. Angel Beats's opening is sung by Lia who also sang the opening for Clannad After Story. I still like the clannad song better X) but I like their ending though.

The downside of Angel Beats is that its too short. This storyline had a great potential but due to their episode limit, the episodes did not bring out the fullest emotion. Like with Clannad they had at least 3 episodes for one story so when it reaches the climax, it can really bring tears to your eyes. However with Angel Beats, it happens too fast. I know it's sad but the feeling hasnt sunk in yet and then the episode just ends... They also rushed the ending a bit. Nevertheless, Angel Beats is still a great anime 8/10 from me :)

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