Tuesday, 4 January 2011

China 桂林(Guilin) Preview

After finishing a period of uni at Taipei, I am now at Kaohsiung and can finally enjoy some quiet and relaxing life style. I wont have to wake up before 7am and travel for 2 hours to school then back lol...
I will be uploading the photos that we took from our China trip and from the Flora Expo in Taipei, on facebook not here. It will probably be 2012 (omg world end) if I upload all those photos here. Yes it is that slow.

I will however, give a slight preview on here. So this was my second time to China and this time I went to 桂林(Guilin). There is a Chinese saying and it goes like this 桂林山水甲天下 and it means the scenery in Guilin dominates the world. I gotta say, I agree with this only if it was 10 years ago. Right now China is urbanising rapidly which results in pollution or smog forming in quite a few areas. Houses are build along rivers and mountains which does not at all match the scenery. It is due to these factors which brought disappointment while I was touring China.

Nevertheless, 桂林 is still a world recognised touring spot and here is a slight preview :)

Beautiful scenery, too bad there was no sunshine...

Aim, fire! (Yes I was firing something, 5 tennis balls in fact xD)

Ooooh pretty rock

Yay we all got flowers on our heads~ Had to return them afterwards though... cheap bastards..

A giant mirror on the ground...?

Dear Goldfish,

Finally started to write again after a month XD thanks to you. You gave me motivation to keep writing and not being lazy!
I didnt expect to receive your message that early so I was pretty happy when I saw it :D My writing is not as beautiful as yours but I like to keep my readers entertained ^^
Dont worry, I will keep my promise. Enjoy~

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