Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Make Up

So I saw this on TV last night and was just shocked... (and fascinated)

It's an unbreakable chain really... girls like to make themselves beautiful >> guys like beautiful girls >> girls must put make up before going out >> girls can not stop using make up >> girls get bad skin >> guys gets shocked seeing girls without make up >> dislike in the end???

So... how do we solve the problem? There is no GOOD solution for this problem, we cant take make up out of our current society, how can the movie stars or singers shoot another video? We cant tell girls to stop using make up and cant stop guys to like girls with beautiful/sexy makeup, they are in both our natures.

I can only say, appearance can be deceiving, do not judge a book by it's cover, yada yada etc etc. In the end it's the inside that really counts, if a guy can make a girl laugh and if the girl cares for the guy then... isnt that a win win situation? In other words, happiness?

Dear Goldfish,
Have you had trouble with makeup?

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