Monday, 28 February 2011

Ga-Rei Zero

This anime was probably the fastest anime I've gone through, finished it in less than 3 days. Although it was short with only 12 episodes but at the end of every episode, it just kept making me wanting to click the next one. I must mention the one thing that made this anime so special, the opening episode. I wont go through any spoilers here but the first episode was like nothing I have seen before and automatically, I just had to click the second episode. All credits goes to the director, for making such a huge attention grabbing opening.

The storyline was pretty straight forward, I'm sure most of us could have predicted the ending, we just watched the anime to found out what happened during the middle. Again, this is different to other animes where the audience look forward to the ending. A flaw in this anime is that some background stories were not explained and the true bad guy does not reveal himself. Although this clearly states there will be a second season, whenever they decide to make it, hence the name Zero.

The creativity of this anime was fascinating, some of the weapons the characters used were just so unique and occasionally funny. The artwork was nice, music was good. I loved the opening theme, added to my favourite songs list. I give Ga-Rei Zero 9/10.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Sugar sweet nightmare, final Bakemonogatari

Finally finished watching Bakemonogatari after putting it off since last year due to slow episode release. My opinion on the anime has not changed since my first review about it, which can be found here.

I am still supporting my initial rating of 8/10 even though I said it could go up. How come it did not go up? Well because the remaining episodes were pretty average, I reckon they already showed the climax at episode 12 and I would have been perfectly happy if it had ended there. Although the final episodes werent that exciting, one positive thing in them was the opening! Just the kind of song I like ^^ and here it is.

Oh and also Bakemonogatari will still be continuing in season 2! Kizumonogatari! It should be a blast and reveals more about Araragi's past I hope.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Reunion with the Clan

After a day or two of organising, I got together a crew of our old Dota clan back in high school. D0T4!
Had dinner, caught up with recent events, hard to believe we all used to play in one game dota, now we just all doing our thing.
We started this reunion with old school CS 1.5, shooting, loling, knifing, loling. Then some dota action plus random warcraft maps, whining and complaining about how sht the map is but trying to win it at the same time XD
Last game of Maze of Sliding Bunnies was epic, so much concentration and laughter. Our clan teamwork was also shown but we still couldnt beat the game lol. In the end, its the fun that matters. That is the purpose of gaming isnt it?

Shawn showed me this song and I liked it instantly.