Wednesday, 16 September 2009


Well as mentioned before Im gonna write about Yui. Yui is another one of my favourite Japanese artist. The first Yui song I heard was Life, it was used as Bleach's 5th ending. Immediately after listening to it, I thought it was a good song and that she has talent. Luckily I introduced Bleach to In Hwan and he then became familiar with Yui and started downloading her songs. That was how I got my collection of Yui, from In Hwan lol.

Well since I am going to write about Yui, I did some background research. I found out that she was just 3 years older than me! Her music only started recently, first album was released at 2004. Since then she had been releasing albums every year and every one of them was successful, various songs were choosed for movies, anime and dramas. She also starred (is it starred? I dunno XD) in a movie called Midnight Sun, Taiyo No Uta where she was the main character, a girl with a rare skin condition.

I havent heard all of her songs but I've heard all of the famous ones. I do recommend Yui since she has got a great voice and her songs vary from rock to like really soft. The only thing I found which was a bit negative was that hmm how do I describe it... like sometimes I find that her voice just always sounds the same, no variation. But thats just sometimes and thats just me, I still think Yui is great! Here are some songs I recommend:
Love and Truth
How Crazy
Tokyo <-- Nice soft song
Jam <-- Good rock
Highway Chance <-- Probably my favourite, tying with Again though lol
Again <-- Her fastest song yet and CURRENTLY my favourite Japanese song. This song also inspired me to play the piano again. I've been practising to play this song almost everyday, getting better and better!

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