Sunday, 27 September 2009

Cats with Wings and District 9

Ok today I discovered something extraordinary on the internet and its honestly just wtf. Cats with wings, actually to be specific Chinese cats with wings, both of these cats were found in China. The wings actually has bones in them but cant use them to fly. Scientists claims it is genetic defect or skin condition but come on face it, it's evolution!

Also watched District 9 today, directed by Peter Jackson, epic Lord of the Ring director. It was about aliens who got stranded on Earth and Humans treat them as prisoners. The movie started and ended with a documentary style and the story of the movie went in the middle. The story itself wasnt bad, quite bloody and some bits are disgusting though. The ending wasnt complete, I mean it left us questioning but I guess thats an effective ending, let the audience imagine their own ending. The thing I found weird was how did the humans understood what the aliens were saying in the first place? lol


  1. Hi Mike,

    Lovin' your work. I recently ran into your blog while searching on google and have since added it to my daily sites to visit.

    Keep up the good work!

