Friday, 2 October 2009

Bullet Proof Baby and TGS bball mates

Ok today in chemmat, our lecturer showed us this video which was related to composites or something. Wasnt paying attention to what she was saying, more like trying to decipher what she was writing so I could copy the notes into my book. She writes so damn small... Anyway heres the video:

After I saw it, my first reaction was like :O Not because the carriage was actually bullet proof but it was that she actually pointed the gun at her baby. This stunt is probably fake but I dont like the idea of pointing the gun at the baby. I would never point a gun at my baby. What if something goes wrong you know?
This video was made to promote the movie Shoot'em Up, where the guy runs around with the baby and shooting bad guys for like a hour. For more information go to

In the afternoon, Jerrell and I had to do the international business quiz. The quiz was about the t-shirt novel we had to read but obviously we didnt lol (well I read 2 chapters). Luckily Braden helped us out and we achieved 5/5. Thanks Braden! Then went to play bball with the guys. At first I only wanted to shoot around but then ended up playing games. To be honest, I didnt really find it fun. Well I had to save energy for night time.

At night, I went with Shawn, Hans and John to Browns Bay to play bball. They were my old TGS bball buddies. There were heaps of people there, we had 5 teams of 4 lol. There were like 5 really good players and the rest were average. The 2 best players were wearing Kobe singlet or t shirt, I guess theres a reputation if you wanna wear anything Kobe lol.

We had pretty good games, didnt win many but was certainly fun. Shawn was like Dwaight Howard, he had like 3 massive blocks, like those ones you see on NBA highlights and one of the them was on the best guy there. I also had a block on that dude, it felt great. John and Hans didnt play as well as they used to due to lack of playing lol. But John was a good point guard who wouldnt lose the ball easily and could occasionally pull off nice shots. Today he was a bit rusty though. Hans on the other hand, loses the ball quite a bit but his shots in his comfort zone is consistent. I also feel he has the potential to grab good rebounds if he trains.

Shawn is an all round player, he can basically do everything, shooting 2s, 3s, driving but most of the time he has to play as the big man since hes the only one who has skills in that area. He posts well but the thing is if he misses once or twice underneath the hoop, he loses motivation and just chucks it up lol. And me? I guess Im the point getter type however an inconsistent one! I dont have a particular style, my only vision is the hoop most of the time which is bad cause that means I dont see my teammates. I would do anything in order to put the ball in the hoop, I dont think I just do lol. I do random bullsht drives or fade aways that makes people think how the fuk did he get that in? However if it doesnt go in then its basically just me chucking the ball near the hoop and hope for the best.

At like 9, the gym lady shooed us out. Went to Burger Fuel since the guys were hungry. I had to buy a $2.50 can of coke cause I was thirsty ffs. Then went to visit Hans new home, it's actually pretty close to my house. He lives in like a forest, it was actually scary to visit at night. Some dude or animal might be in the bush ready to jump you. His new home was nice, paintings everywhere, 2 cats, good atmosphere. We had a glass of juice then just went home.

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