Wednesday, 28 October 2009

New Inuyasha: The Final Act

Exams are within a week, starting on the 3rd I've got chemmat, 5th software, 7th electrical and 9th internation business. I've been trying hard to study but always gets distracted by boringness or a sudden urge to look up something on the web which lead to looking at other things and that lead to more stuff. Basically everything except for studying is fun right now.

So I accidently stumbled upon this amazing find. The anime Inuyasha will be continuing from where it stopped since 2004! 5 years! This news excited many anime fans around the world, many had grew up watching Inuyasha or simply loved it as an anime series (a pretty long one though, 167 episodes). Inuyasha was rated top 20 anime of all time, I think it is in terms of popularity but Im not sure. So far 4 episodes have been aired in Japan, it started on October 3rd.

For me, Im pretty excited too not that Im a huge Inuyasha fan, it's because it will be good to know how it is going to end. My sister was the one who introduced it to me since she already downloaded half of it, I decided to watch it. I could see why a lot of people enjoyed it. There were plenty of action for the boys, romance for the girls, comedy for everyone however I thought the story was a bit plain. The good guys basically always wins. But the bigger picture or story was actually alright, the journey and adventure by different groups lead to revealing the past and making themselves stronger. Then it suddenly stopped, I was like is this it?! It was like another Claymore ending.

Here is the trailer for it:

Now they've continued with Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha, when will they finish up Claymore? Or Slam Dunk? Am I suppose to wait 5 years also?! I WANT CLAYMOREEEEE RAWR!

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