Wednesday, 14 October 2009

New Haircut

Yesterday quite a few unexpected things happened. First was basketball, I didnt even bring any change of clothes but somehow I ended up going to the courts to play anyway. At first I thought we were just going to shoot around then go grab lunch. We ended up playing 4v4 ins and outs. It was Karthik, Ronnie, Jerrell and me, we always had close games but could never achieve victory. We won only like once i think lol. The other teams had like big ogres in their team, we always had to double or triple team them.

It was so competitive and fun, Jerrell and I completely forgot about lunch and soon it was time for international business. Just before we finished, Jerrell fuked up his leg, unexpected injury right there. So me and the cripple took a while to get to class.

After the class, Jerrell wanted to get a haircut and basically i was peer pressured to get one too. I didnt really ask for a style, just whatever the barber thought was good and yeah, I got a complete new style.




  1. I try to enter my Aion login info into the box in your site's background. It doesn't seem to work - What the heck is going on?!?

  2. You probably got banned or something. Stop haxing!
