Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Free hugs for Taiwan at Auckland Uni

I know Im suppose to continue with part 2 of my previous article but I just felt this was more important. Few hours ago, I received this video from Shuhan. It is about some Taiwanese students in Auckland uni who got together and copied the 'Free hugs in Taiwan' done in Taiwan.

For those who dont know, in August Taiwan experienced typhoon Morakot which caused floods, landslides, mudslides in several areas, villages with people in them were buried under mud and water. Hundreds of lives were lost in this catastrophic event.
Here is an example of the power of typhoon... an entire hotel fell into the flooded river

So basically the people were showing support by hugging that dude with the Taiwan paper bag over his head and signing their signature to prove that they showed their support. As you can see from the video, this gesture was supported by many! Too bad I didnt run into them. Good job on the crew for doing it and thanks to all that supported!

Here is the original video filmed in Taiwan. The 4 words said by many is basically Go Taiwan!

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