Monday, 12 October 2009

Naruto's Parents Revealed

I've been quite busy over the weekend due to chemmat test. Chemmat is my 8th favourite subject (out of the 8th I've studied this year) so yeah, it took me a lot of effort to study for it. Now I will be busy with C programming, got 2 projects due next week, gotta start tomorrow. Been catching up on Bleach and Naruto cause last month I couldnt download due to unexpected download of Aion which made me go over my internet limit. Bleach is still going on with the interesting filler of Zanpakutou rebellion, this is probably the best filler yet, the story is nice and not lame.

Naruto is complete pwnage. The story went back to official I think 2 months ago and its just wow. [WARNING: WILL CONTAIN SPOILER IF YOU ARE NOT UP TO DATE WITH THE NARUTO ANIME. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK]

The story started off again with Orochimaru wanting to consume Sasuke's body It turned out Sasuke had no intention of letting Orochimaru use him and he killed Orochimaru. After Orochimaru died, Sasuke went out and recruit 3 other people to form his own team, "Snake" (what a lol name). Meanwhile Naruto and Konoha received word of Orochimaru's death and assembled like a platoon to find either Sasuke or Akatsuki since it is now a triangle relationship. Sasuke wants to find Itachi, Naruto wants to find Sasuke or Akatsuki cause they might have info on Sasuke and Deidara wants to kill Naruto or Sasuke.

Deidara encountered Sasuke first and the fight began. It was a highly skilled fight, both of them pulling all their tricks out of their sleeves. It was an epic fight compared to those lame ones in the fillers before. In the end Deidara used this ultimate technique which blew himself up and anything within 10km radius. Tobi (Deidara's partner) and Sasuke were thought to have died in the blast. But did they...?

Sasuke merely escaped by summoning Manda (Orochimaru's snake) and hid inside him while using a teleportation technique. However they were still caught in the blast which resulted in Sasuke badly injured and Manda died(lol). It was also revealed that Tobi did not die and he was strong as sht, he was actually another Uchiha, the legendary Uchiha Madara (although I dont know what that name mean but hes definately some sort of tough guy). Meanwhile Naruto encountered Kabuto, who fused himself with what is left of Orochimaru, crazy dude. He also met Itachi however Itachi only wanted to talk, after a few words Itachi disappeared.

The story then shifted to Jiraiya, he discovered the location of Akatsuki's leader and he is going to penetrate the place alone. It then showed us Jiraiya's childhood and how he became the lengendary Sannin along with Orochimaru and Tsunade. Basically they were just ownage ninjas who killed a lot of enemies during the ninja wars. Jiraiya also received a prophecy that one day he will take in an apprentice and that apprentice will change the world. It is all up to Jiraiya on the path that apprentice will choose to take.

So Jiraiya travels the world to search for guidance for his mission and also for the apprentice. He saw many things but still could not come up with an answer nor did he find the apprentice. However, he did teach 3 kids who grew up to be members of Akatsuki. Although he himself does not know it yet, he thought they died. The episode ended with Jiraiya talking to his student, the 4th Hokage about how great his book was. At that moment, the answer to the question that has been wondered by many for longer than 4 years "Who were Naruto's parents?" was revealed. Indeed... the 4th Hokage was Naruto's father.


So I wrote the summary of Naruto, up to the latest episode I watched. It's not the latest out there, Im 2 episodes behind. But the latest episode I watched, I felt like it was such a memorable episode, life longing question that had been answered, I had to write about it. The next episode looks great, looks like Jiraiya is going to meet Akatsuki. Cant wait!

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