Friday, 28 January 2011

Favourite songs at the moment; 2NE1 "To Anyone" album

I recently downloaded 2NE1's lastest album To Anyone which was released last year 2010. I've gotta say I quite like it, although there are 2 or 3 songs I dislike but overall it is a nice album.

Most songs are quite unique, they got their own style and beat. They used more autotune in this album compare to their previous one which is slightly disappointing but then again it fits well with their techno-ish music.

Strangely (or is it obviously) my favourite song is not one of those techno ones but a slower pace You & I. Others which I also like are Go Away, I'm Busy and Please Dont Go. Check right side for these awesome tunes.

Two other songs also made my favourite list. Last Moment which was used for Bleach's ending and U Can Do It which was the ending for Naruto Shippuuden, this one is definately one of the best songs used in Naruto.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

TopBlip Singing Competition; Support Kevin Lien

So I've been a fan of Kevin's music ever since I found him on Youtube and now he is in the topblip competition finals, I figure why not give him even more support. I dont normally advertise for people but he really does have talent. His Wedding Dress cover carried him all the way to the semi-finals and his Firework cover is competiting in the finals.

Wedding Dress


So if you think he is awesome or pretty good then vote for him at

Cheers! :D

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Make Up

So I saw this on TV last night and was just shocked... (and fascinated)

It's an unbreakable chain really... girls like to make themselves beautiful >> guys like beautiful girls >> girls must put make up before going out >> girls can not stop using make up >> girls get bad skin >> guys gets shocked seeing girls without make up >> dislike in the end???

So... how do we solve the problem? There is no GOOD solution for this problem, we cant take make up out of our current society, how can the movie stars or singers shoot another video? We cant tell girls to stop using make up and cant stop guys to like girls with beautiful/sexy makeup, they are in both our natures.

I can only say, appearance can be deceiving, do not judge a book by it's cover, yada yada etc etc. In the end it's the inside that really counts, if a guy can make a girl laugh and if the girl cares for the guy then... isnt that a win win situation? In other words, happiness?

Dear Goldfish,
Have you had trouble with makeup?

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Holiday Games

I am pretty sure a lot of my fellow friends are drowning themselves in games since its the holiday plus there is nothing to do if you're not working or studying. I have too, been playing games to kill time and these are the games I've been rotating around in a day.

Been playing the My Player Mode, a SF playing for the Washington Wizards, best in the league right now :P I enjoy playing the my player mode in these NBA games since currently I am unable to play in real life so this is the closest thing for me. Anyway My Player Mode allows you to create your own NBA player then you've got to get picked and go through training camp etc. Quite realistic, your action corresponds to the grade you get at the top of the screen. If you play really bad then you're likely to get a C. If you do everything right and even though you didnt score a single point, you can still end a game with an A. I've still got one month until the Play Offs, aiming for the ring!

I've always enjoyed playing the COD Modern Warfare series, best single player FPS game in my opinion. Amazing graphics, realistic and the interesting interaction with the player are the keys of a winning game. Although this isnt MW, it still contains all these elements. Too bad my computer isnt as good as I hoped, it is barely running the game. I get really bad lags occasionally which makes it impossible to aim. The time frame of the game dates back to 1968 so no fancy high tech guns but nevertheless it still has a good story for the single player mode. I'm half way through it atm ^^

Ahh the new Golden Sun game, I have mentioned it last year and it has finally come out at the end of last year (after delaying it again for like 2 months...). Anyway it is almost impossible to get the game to run perfectly on pc with the current emulators out there. I've got it to work but it runs kinda slow, averaging 30-40 FPS. I've spent most of my time playing this game these days, Golden Sun contains everything, a story, battles, puzzles and cute graphics, suitable for all guys and girls, whatever the age. I dont know how far I am in to the game, probably 1/3? So far I reckon this game is easier compare to it's predecessors, definately better graphics though XD

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

China 桂林(Guilin) Preview

After finishing a period of uni at Taipei, I am now at Kaohsiung and can finally enjoy some quiet and relaxing life style. I wont have to wake up before 7am and travel for 2 hours to school then back lol...
I will be uploading the photos that we took from our China trip and from the Flora Expo in Taipei, on facebook not here. It will probably be 2012 (omg world end) if I upload all those photos here. Yes it is that slow.

I will however, give a slight preview on here. So this was my second time to China and this time I went to 桂林(Guilin). There is a Chinese saying and it goes like this 桂林山水甲天下 and it means the scenery in Guilin dominates the world. I gotta say, I agree with this only if it was 10 years ago. Right now China is urbanising rapidly which results in pollution or smog forming in quite a few areas. Houses are build along rivers and mountains which does not at all match the scenery. It is due to these factors which brought disappointment while I was touring China.

Nevertheless, 桂林 is still a world recognised touring spot and here is a slight preview :)

Beautiful scenery, too bad there was no sunshine...

Aim, fire! (Yes I was firing something, 5 tennis balls in fact xD)

Ooooh pretty rock

Yay we all got flowers on our heads~ Had to return them afterwards though... cheap bastards..

A giant mirror on the ground...?

Dear Goldfish,

Finally started to write again after a month XD thanks to you. You gave me motivation to keep writing and not being lazy!
I didnt expect to receive your message that early so I was pretty happy when I saw it :D My writing is not as beautiful as yours but I like to keep my readers entertained ^^
Dont worry, I will keep my promise. Enjoy~