Friday, 8 January 2010

4 Days Disappearance - Day 1

Our destination for the first day was Taipei, north of Taiwan, I live in Kaohsiung which is south of Taiwan. It is about a 7 hours drive from Kaohsiung to Taipei. Along the way I was allowed to drive, just helping my dad out, taking turns while one of us sleeps. It was cool cause here the highest speed on the motorway is 110kmh, 10kmh faster than nz, yeah! I only drove on the motorway since I was afraid to drive in the cities. There are bikes, scooters(heaps, they weave around the cars like bugs), people walking on the side of the road(since there arent many footpath in tw) and cars which dont follow giveway rules(there is no such thing as giveway in tw, not even to pedestrians so it is always cars cross first then people).

Along the way, we stopped at 鹿港(Lugan) to visit a famous shrine called 天后宮(I guess the direction translation would be Sky Empress Palace). On the way in, there are food stores on both side of the road. It was crowded and lively, many food selections to choose from. In tw, the biggest religion in buhdism so nearly everyone goes to these shrine and temples and pray for good luck. The way people pray is lighting this stick thing which gives off smoke and the smoke will reach the gods. I think the proper term is offering incense. We also burned paper money for tribute.

Thats paper money Im holding

Inside the shrine

Trying to walk on 2 sticks...

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