Friday, 22 January 2010


Few days before I went to Malaysia, I went up to Taipei, there I went to watch Avatar 3D. The 3d glasses that we receieved werent those cheap paper ones but actual glasses. They were quite heavy, I had to hold mine up with my hand during the entire movie.

The words to describe Avatar are visually stunning. Not because I had the 3d glasses on, I tried taking it off for a while and watched it. To be honest, Im not sure if the 3d was worth it. During the entire movie, the only thing 3d was the chinese subtitles in my opinion lol... Anyway the computer render made the characters looked real, I dont mean it looked like they were people in costumes. Avatar's graphics is smooth, natural and defined. The amount of details in the 3d rendering was amazing. I hope that one day Aion can achieve that kind of graphics ^-^ But seriously, when it was night time in the movie, it kept reminding of Asmodian land in Aion.

The plot was kind of predictable which disappointed me a little bit. It was a classic case of white people invading native land and it's people for resources then they start having a battle. I was watching a Taiwan political channel on tv 2 days ago and their topic of debate was Avatar. I was like how is Avatar related to politics?? So I watched a little bit. They talked about how advanced the Avatar graphics was and how Taiwan can compete with it. They suggested that Taiwan and China should join together and produce something with Avatar's standards but better storyline to compete in the global movie industry. I thought that point was nicely made then the rest they said was just bs so I stopped watching. A thing about tw is that anything can be turned into politics, it's crazy lol...
Nevertheless Avatar is a film which made a breakthrough in 3d render movies. Which means that in the future we can hope to see better and realistic 3d movies.


  1. bam >:D guess who it is ;3

  2. lol hey,

    long time no talk mike, good to see that you're doing a lot of things o.o

    you're probably one of the only ones i know that have a very nice laid out and detailed blog lol.

    i watched clannad too, it was a good anime indeed... hmm maybe i shldve posted this comment under the clannad one lol.

    oh well, thats my little input to ur blog lol.


  3. LOL, i just read my comment AFTER i sent it... excessive amount of lols ;;

  4. Thanks and yeah you should've put it under that section! Bad organisation tsk tsk
