Friday, 8 January 2010

4 Days Disappearance - Day 2

The second day, we went to Taipei zoo. Like any other place in tw, it was crowded, we waited like 45mins just to get into the parking area. It then started to rain after we got out of the car. Then when we got to the ticket selling area, they said that panda viewing is no longer available since the ticket for it already ran out. But we were still like whatever and went inside the zoo.



For those who has seen the movie I Spy, thats the leafy bug.

What you looking at?

I used to like zoos cause it was cool to see all kinds of animals but after this trip, Im starting to feel different. The animals are all confined in that little area, they got nothing to do other than sleep, eat. What is the point of walking around if you only got that much space. That is why when you see the animals, they just lay there, looking all bored. I'll rather watch Discovery channel to see animals in action, at places where they belong.

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