Saturday, 9 January 2010

4 Days Disappearance - Day 3

Day 3 was the main purpose of the trip, a trip to 福壽山農場 Fushou mountain farm. The mountain is near the middle of tw but since it is all mountain road, the entire drive was about 7 hours. We had to wake up early to avoid the traffic so for the first 1/3 of the drive I was sleeping :P Then after I felt refreshed, I offered to drive, we were already in the mountains at that time. Luckily my dad agreed, it was my first time driving in the mountains. The road always turn and curve, sometime it is not wide enough for two cars but none of this was dangerous compared to what was installed for me. Fog.

I drove right into the fog (actually it's not like I could avoid it, there was only one path LOL) and geez it was scary. I couldnt see what was 15m ahead of me, if I wasnt careful I could've drove the car off the cliff when I was suppose to turn. Then luckily I caught up to a red car and it made the trip a lot easier. Because I did not have to be the scout, I did not have to make life and death decisions of whether to turn or not, I just followed his red tail lights :P However we had to go really slow, we did not exceed 20kmh. The fog was so thick that if I fell behind a few seconds, his tail lights would just disappear.

After 30-45mins we finally emerged from the white world. The grass looked greener, sky looked bluer, all was good. Then at last we have arrived at the farm. Although it's called a farm, it does have accomodation, like pretty good accomodation, not like shacks or anything like that. We then took a tour around the farm. The farm specialised in fruit trees and tea. It was so cold up on the mountain, although it didnt snow, it did get to 3 degrees that night. The dinner at their place was exceptionally delicious, maybe cause we were cold and hungry or they were simply good cooks.

Peach King

Apple King

The apple king can produce 39 varieties of apple, on a single tree

Thats me eating

Three dogs enjoying the sun

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