Thursday, 21 January 2010

Clannad Review

There will be many updates coming due to my long absence. At the moment I am trying to finish what I started 2 weeks ago hence the big article time gap but connecting story.

Anyway moving on, I finished watching the entire Clannad anime. My rating for it is 9/10 . Highly recommended and it has moved up to be one of my favourite anime. There are two main reasons why I like this anime. First, the story, Clannad's story is nothing fancy, just things which happens in school and everyday life. Yet the stories for each character have so much meanings within them. Since the stories are something we can relate to easily, like looking after siblings or helping friends at school, they are really easy to understand and enjoyable to watch. The second reason is emotion, as I mentioned last time. This anime is very emotional, laughter, tears, embarrassment, disgusted, its all in there.

The music for this anime is good overall. The background music corresponds with the story well and the openings and endings are nice. Just depends if you like them or not, I quite like them, except for the dango song lol, a bit plain. The graphics and drawings are really nicely done, I really like how they draw the settings, looks realistic for an anime. I find the scenes are colourful, nice to watch. The only thing I have against Clannad is the characters are too cute but then again if they werent that cute, they probably wouldnt be able to pull off some of the cute stuff they did.

My favourite character, the blonde guy Sunohara Youhei!

I liked season 1 better than season 2, simply because it was funnier not because season 2 was boring or anything. I enjoy comedy above all else. I dont like writing plots I give reviews because I dont like to accidently spoil it for some people. Like saying during this bit, I felt sad, during that part, it sucked. That is why my reviews might seem a bit short.

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