Thursday, 30 July 2009


I finally played a game on the pro asian court, was me, Johnny, Karthik and this tall asian dude vs D.Wade and co. Was kinda feeling sick but still played, first game we got thrashed, was like 7-2 or something, I had to mark D.Wade and he was probably the best out of all of them, he sinks these really bs 3s lol. 2nd game was intense, was down 4-1 but then caught up 4-4, 6-6, but then lost 8-6. I had a nice 3 and a good drive but otherwise was just off lol, actually our team was just off, not our day.

Decided to start photoshop again, forgot how to do sigs and had to read through numerous tutorials. I ended up with this, not bad after a few years of 'retirement' I reckon but I've done wayy better.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Old Friend

Didnt get to write what happened yesterday due to tiredness and a certain someone. Recap on yesterday's event, played bball with some of the 'crew'. First highlight was Jerrell did a fast bounce pass to me underneath the hoop and I did a reverse shot at 0 angle, even I was amazed I got that in, well certainly everyone else was. Then accident happened, Jerrell made an unbelivably fast pass with only 1m of space to me, well I wasnt ready for it so the ball hit my face and result in me bit my lip real bad and yeah there was blood everywhere. After washing up, we continued and the second highlight was I drove in with the ball, did a perfect up and under and reversed the ball in with Karthik full on defending, that certainly got everyone excited. :D

An unexpected visitor popped on msn yesterday, she was my good friend from L2extreme, one of the few I still keep contacts, loves to kill me in l2 and is turning out to be my best pen-pal (well we dont write with pens... so i guess msn pal). Shes known as Moon online, we always talk for ages when we see each other I guess its cause she only comes on like once every couple of months. Brief l2 history; we were in evUchiha (my clan) on l2, she was Spell Singer, I was Silver Ranger, she taught me how to pvp and Im grateful. Whenever we pvp, if I stun her I'll win, if I dont then I get owned anyway Im pretty sure I can own her now althought she denies it.

Anyway today I had 8am start..., then 3 hours straight, software, chemmat and then electrical. Today's show for software wasnt as interesting as before, he only juggled batons. Chemmat was boring, electrical was pretty good, learned some new stuff. Had butter chicken for lunch today and fuk the serving indian dude put too much sauce on it and it kept leaking out... After lunch, played some bball, met Johnny's friend Andrew, damn hes tall, he can dunk and shoot 3s. Afterwards Jerrell and I went to play pool at Massle or Vassle (we got our own way of saying it), each bought a $4.50 drink and played for 2 hours. Score was 3-1 to him when we started counting, I accidently got the black ball in for 2 of his wins, so bs lol.

Monday, 27 July 2009

Ayumi Hamasaki

Just came back from uni, today was pretty average, well at least I didnt have to get up at 8am like last week. Had software lab today, was pretty challenging, learned debugging and functions but once you got the hang of it, it's quite cool.

Thought I'll write about Ayumi Hamasaki today, Ayumi is one of my favourite Japanese artist, I like her music/song genre therefore I like most of her songs. She has been called 'Empress of J-Pop' due to her popularity in Japan, her music swept through Asia, countires like Taiwan, Singapore. I still havent heard all of her songs but from the ones I've already heard, here are the ones I think are good:

Apppears <--3rd equal
Because of You
Dearest <--3rd equal
I Am
Moments <--Favourite
No Way to Say
To Be <--2nd

Here is the link to my favourite song: Moments
Ayumi Hamasaki's official site (english)

Friday, 24 July 2009

Friday = Best Day

Friday is turning out to be the best day in my week now. Only 2 lecturers, however I enrolled for the 8-10 time frame which sucked. But Jerrell and I managed to work out a gg timetable so our classes is at 10-12 now. It's basically the same as my Friday last semester lol. Software lecturer was good, was playing on Johnny's ipod touch around the last 15 mins, made this bs move on the maneuvering the ball around the holes game, was insane honestly, Sherman and Sam saw it :) During chemmat, it was funny how some random dude actually ask the woman lecturer how many years she was in the army. Had $5 wedges for lunch, gg, then afterwards went to play bball. I couldnt play serious today, I dunno why, everyone who knew how to play were there, except for Ronnie lol but anyway I should've enjoyed it but meh. Shuhan and Adam joined me afterwards, showed Shuhan around the gym until we got kicked out cause they were wearing jeans, newbs. We then went to play pool, with their new friend Peter, we went to the one where Shuhan took us during his birthday. Lucky we arrive no later, cause we took the last table, was friggin thirsty so had to spend $4.50 for a peach red tea but it was good anyway. It was me and Shuhan vs Adam and Peter, Peter was better than me and Adam was better than Shuhan so yeah we lost lol. But we played for nearly 3 hours, score was 7:5. Due to extensive staying, our total cost was $40 lol, but that included 4 drinks so it was so so acceptable, $10 each.
Watched Shoot'em Up while eating dinner today, the main character is so bullsht that its cool, he just kills everyone and always with one shot but its always like the bad guys got no aim or something, bullets never touch him oh and he also uses carrots to kill people, I wont say how, watch it yourself :D

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Int Bus and friggin lvl 79

Played basketball today after normal lectures, was pretty boring since everyone was coming due to free gym week so couldnt get a pro game going. Then went to have lunch at Mentatz with Kevin, Johnny and Karthik, tried their rice today and it was pretty good (for a ramen house). At 2, went with Jerrell to International Business, heard the lecturer was good, I dont like the Business lecturer and the subject itself so wanting to change it. Fell asleep during the middle of the lecture, I think I was the only one who fell asleep, everyone else was scribbling notes down, like seriously, even Jerrell! It wasnt due to boringness though, was just tired from bball and gym. The subject itself seemed pretty standard, normal, the lecturer was nice, wouldnt say good though, he slips in these random as jokes. Anyway I have officially made the swap on nDeva so no more Business for me!

Now on to L2, fuk was the gayest day ever. Lvl 79 to 80 I found out was the hardest lvl to lvl up cause first of all, my gear was already 2 lvls behind, S80>S>A and Im fighting s80 mobs otherwise crap exp. However due to this disadvantage of equipment, it made me more vulnerable to death and today it really proved it. First I went to Imperial Tomb and as usual start killing and then the mob stunned me, couldnt use my hp skill so I died. Then I went back again and the moment I started, I got stunned again and died. It also happened for a 3rd time. So then I went to dino, was going ok but then a chain of stun, death and crit, death kept me from lvling up. I probably died around 20 times today but finally I had a good 20mins without dying which allowed me to lvl up to 80 and use Dynasty.
From Tallum to Dynasty

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Easiest day

Today was probably the easiest day I had in my time in uni. I had only one class from 10-11, electrical, since there are no tutorial in the first week. The lecture was just intro stuff too. I also found my ASB card which was phew. Went to play bball, LOTS of ppl were playing today but then it got really crowded so I just went to gym. Showed Howard around since it was his first time there. It was funny cause he was craving for a Mother energy drink and we went out searching for ppl who were handing out free ones but we couldnt find them so we had to buy it. Then after we finished gym and came out, the ppl were handing them right outside the gym, well of course we went to get another but damnnn lol.

My portable hard drive is with Jason so I couldnt watch any movie today so watched Slam Dunk on my pc, watched the match between Shohoku and Ryonan, man Im ready to play more bball.

Damn 8am tomorrow and businessss.............. gotta get the course book for it too.......

Monday, 20 July 2009

First day and Alvin and the Chipmunks

So today was the first day of uni, set my alarm at 6.55am, had trouble waking up, on the bus to city I thought to myself how can people live like this waking up this early. Had to follow Sherman to HSB1 for software, the teacher seemed cool, he rides a unicycle lol. Chemmat seemed ok but business omg, first impression was just ... no. Cannot hear the teacher half the time cause she likes to raise and lower her tone of voice, the subject itself seemed dumb, I really want to change it to something else but I dont know what else to do. Suprisingly saw a few ppl I knew also taking business eg. Peter, Irene. Software lab was thought to be long and dragging but it was actually well I wouldnt say fun but nice. You could leave whenever you finish the tasks and the tasks werent really that hard. Didnt have electrical today, will have to see what thats like tomorrow.

Just finished watching the movie Alving and the Chipmunks, the story was meh, mostly for kids I think. But the music and songs in the movie stood out, you either find chipmunks' songs annoying or cute&cool. For me it was 80% cute&cool and 20% annoying. Might consider downloading it lol.

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Goodbye Holiday

So today was the last day of the holiday. Im pleased that I quite enjoyed it, wasnt too boring like some of the previous ones. Unintentional events happened which prevent me from enjoying my holiday to the fullest were a cold and an injured/sprang thumb from basketball but oh well. Im looking forward to a new semester with new subjects but Im really not looking forward 8am starts and 4pm finishes. New subjects are software, electrical, chemistry & material and business. Will have to run around uni a bit tomorrow to find the new classes. First class have to find is HSB1... Well goodbye holiday, see you in 5 weeks ><

Oh also started watching Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood, it is the remake of FMA, its going to be according to the manga now.

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Vesper set and level 85

Stayed at home and played L2 today, thinking it was time to get the Vesper set and start wearing it ><. Here is what I look like :D

Then I started having this feeling that I must train and lvl up and so I did. I lvled straight from 84 all the way to 85 in one afternoon, the last lvl which means the slowest to lvl and I did it in one afternoon. I was surprised how I could endure all that boringness but nevertheless I did it. XD Now just gotta reborn and do it all over again. Also watched Apollo 13 on TV, Tom Hanks was in it, the movie basically described their journey to the moon and back again, pretty average movie. Neighbours are having a party to celebrate someone's birthday, loud as music going on atm lol.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Prabhu's 10

Recently watched Ocean's 11, 12, 13 so therefore the title is that lol.
Anyway, today was a pretty cool day, went to play basketball at uni just after lunch. When I arrived, no one was there so i just played a 3v3 with some randoms, made some nice shots. Then played 4v4 when Sherman, Albert and Ming came, didnt play that well then due to injured thumb acting up again. After bball, we went to play pool, wanted to go iPool but it was closed == so went to Cue City, dont really like the environment there and the sticks were really sticky eww. But I was really off today, I wonder why.... Well after Sherman and Albert left, Ming and I went to get Karthik a Final Fantasy pillow for his birthday present XD then Ming gave me a ride to Karthik's place. I fell asleep in the car but was woken up by Ming's sudden emergency brake due to the retarded car in front of us, I guess that's Ming's way of waking people up XD. Watched people played House of the Dead on Wii before going out to dinner. We went to this Korean restaurant, I guessed Kevin's mum ran or worked in. Korean food always have a unique taste, too bad most of their food are spicy which unfortunately my taste buds are uncomfortable with but it was still good. Normally I dont drink but today I drank a small glass of alcohol, just to celebrate Karthik's birthday. After dinner, we went to play pool and again I was so off, I really dunno why. Karthik paid for the entire thing, dinner, desserts, pool, Im guessing around $300 was gone lol but GOOD MAN. Had to get the car out of the mud/grass when I got home cause my mum got it stuck there.

I figured out a reason to keep writing the blog, Im gonna do it to record these cool memories because sadly memories do tend to fade so Im gonna keep recording down the fun stuff that is happening in my life and that way hopefully I wont forget them. :)

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Starting this blog & Eureka 7

Im starting this blog because im bored right now and actually feel like writing down my thoughts on everything. Well I'll start by writing what happened recently.... um, yesterday went to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince with Adam, Jason and his friend Jeremy. I reckon it was alright, just another Harry Potter movie, didnt expect much out of it but the scary hand out of the water was really funny, made a lot of people jumped (Adam especially :)), I did too but was still funny. After the movie, had lunch at Hansan, never hurts to try Vietnamese food, it was average but their rib was good.

Today didnt do that much apart from taking sister and her friend to watch Harry Potter at Albany, havent been to the new mall but now i have. Holiday is starting to feel boring now, I guess that means it is time for school again. I dont really mind, except for the 8am starts... damn it. Previous semester, my grades are
Mechanics A
Maths A+
Bio & Chem A-
Design B+
Im pretty happy to be honest, I reckon I gave it 90% effort, last 10% disappeared due to burn outs lol.

Well since i finished watching the anime Eureka 7 today, i'll give my review/thoughts on it. My description might sound dumb but hey, it's just what it is.

Eureka 7 started off with people who can surf through air and piloting robots to surf through air too. They use it for sports and fighting, like miliatary surfing robots with guns.
The anime started out well, it was funny and enjoyable to watch with a hint of mystery in the air. It progressed in the same style and raised many unanswer questions, there were few emo bits and few sad bits (I actually cried, the story and the music that time was just too sad, although i dont remember which part it was) however when it got to around the middle of the anime the theme basically changed from surfing the air to aliens. Then near the end it is just ridiculous that love conquers everything., even aliens.
The title of every episode is literally in english, its funny when spoken by a Japanese and sometimes theres like stupid titles like Watermelon or Higher than the sun meh. I also think Renton is such a weird name for the main character and the 4th opening is just wtf.

On the internet a lot of people recommend this anime and said it has amazing story, I guess its just personal preference. Overall I think it is an alright anime, although lots of wtfs are involved unless you completely understood the storyline. Recommend only to watch if you got nothing to do or you really like robots, adventure and romance.