Thursday, 23 July 2009

Int Bus and friggin lvl 79

Played basketball today after normal lectures, was pretty boring since everyone was coming due to free gym week so couldnt get a pro game going. Then went to have lunch at Mentatz with Kevin, Johnny and Karthik, tried their rice today and it was pretty good (for a ramen house). At 2, went with Jerrell to International Business, heard the lecturer was good, I dont like the Business lecturer and the subject itself so wanting to change it. Fell asleep during the middle of the lecture, I think I was the only one who fell asleep, everyone else was scribbling notes down, like seriously, even Jerrell! It wasnt due to boringness though, was just tired from bball and gym. The subject itself seemed pretty standard, normal, the lecturer was nice, wouldnt say good though, he slips in these random as jokes. Anyway I have officially made the swap on nDeva so no more Business for me!

Now on to L2, fuk was the gayest day ever. Lvl 79 to 80 I found out was the hardest lvl to lvl up cause first of all, my gear was already 2 lvls behind, S80>S>A and Im fighting s80 mobs otherwise crap exp. However due to this disadvantage of equipment, it made me more vulnerable to death and today it really proved it. First I went to Imperial Tomb and as usual start killing and then the mob stunned me, couldnt use my hp skill so I died. Then I went back again and the moment I started, I got stunned again and died. It also happened for a 3rd time. So then I went to dino, was going ok but then a chain of stun, death and crit, death kept me from lvling up. I probably died around 20 times today but finally I had a good 20mins without dying which allowed me to lvl up to 80 and use Dynasty.
From Tallum to Dynasty

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