Thursday, 30 July 2009


I finally played a game on the pro asian court, was me, Johnny, Karthik and this tall asian dude vs D.Wade and co. Was kinda feeling sick but still played, first game we got thrashed, was like 7-2 or something, I had to mark D.Wade and he was probably the best out of all of them, he sinks these really bs 3s lol. 2nd game was intense, was down 4-1 but then caught up 4-4, 6-6, but then lost 8-6. I had a nice 3 and a good drive but otherwise was just off lol, actually our team was just off, not our day.

Decided to start photoshop again, forgot how to do sigs and had to read through numerous tutorials. I ended up with this, not bad after a few years of 'retirement' I reckon but I've done wayy better.

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