Monday, 20 July 2009

First day and Alvin and the Chipmunks

So today was the first day of uni, set my alarm at 6.55am, had trouble waking up, on the bus to city I thought to myself how can people live like this waking up this early. Had to follow Sherman to HSB1 for software, the teacher seemed cool, he rides a unicycle lol. Chemmat seemed ok but business omg, first impression was just ... no. Cannot hear the teacher half the time cause she likes to raise and lower her tone of voice, the subject itself seemed dumb, I really want to change it to something else but I dont know what else to do. Suprisingly saw a few ppl I knew also taking business eg. Peter, Irene. Software lab was thought to be long and dragging but it was actually well I wouldnt say fun but nice. You could leave whenever you finish the tasks and the tasks werent really that hard. Didnt have electrical today, will have to see what thats like tomorrow.

Just finished watching the movie Alving and the Chipmunks, the story was meh, mostly for kids I think. But the music and songs in the movie stood out, you either find chipmunks' songs annoying or cute&cool. For me it was 80% cute&cool and 20% annoying. Might consider downloading it lol.

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