Friday, 24 July 2009

Friday = Best Day

Friday is turning out to be the best day in my week now. Only 2 lecturers, however I enrolled for the 8-10 time frame which sucked. But Jerrell and I managed to work out a gg timetable so our classes is at 10-12 now. It's basically the same as my Friday last semester lol. Software lecturer was good, was playing on Johnny's ipod touch around the last 15 mins, made this bs move on the maneuvering the ball around the holes game, was insane honestly, Sherman and Sam saw it :) During chemmat, it was funny how some random dude actually ask the woman lecturer how many years she was in the army. Had $5 wedges for lunch, gg, then afterwards went to play bball. I couldnt play serious today, I dunno why, everyone who knew how to play were there, except for Ronnie lol but anyway I should've enjoyed it but meh. Shuhan and Adam joined me afterwards, showed Shuhan around the gym until we got kicked out cause they were wearing jeans, newbs. We then went to play pool, with their new friend Peter, we went to the one where Shuhan took us during his birthday. Lucky we arrive no later, cause we took the last table, was friggin thirsty so had to spend $4.50 for a peach red tea but it was good anyway. It was me and Shuhan vs Adam and Peter, Peter was better than me and Adam was better than Shuhan so yeah we lost lol. But we played for nearly 3 hours, score was 7:5. Due to extensive staying, our total cost was $40 lol, but that included 4 drinks so it was so so acceptable, $10 each.
Watched Shoot'em Up while eating dinner today, the main character is so bullsht that its cool, he just kills everyone and always with one shot but its always like the bad guys got no aim or something, bullets never touch him oh and he also uses carrots to kill people, I wont say how, watch it yourself :D

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