Friday, 17 July 2009

Prabhu's 10

Recently watched Ocean's 11, 12, 13 so therefore the title is that lol.
Anyway, today was a pretty cool day, went to play basketball at uni just after lunch. When I arrived, no one was there so i just played a 3v3 with some randoms, made some nice shots. Then played 4v4 when Sherman, Albert and Ming came, didnt play that well then due to injured thumb acting up again. After bball, we went to play pool, wanted to go iPool but it was closed == so went to Cue City, dont really like the environment there and the sticks were really sticky eww. But I was really off today, I wonder why.... Well after Sherman and Albert left, Ming and I went to get Karthik a Final Fantasy pillow for his birthday present XD then Ming gave me a ride to Karthik's place. I fell asleep in the car but was woken up by Ming's sudden emergency brake due to the retarded car in front of us, I guess that's Ming's way of waking people up XD. Watched people played House of the Dead on Wii before going out to dinner. We went to this Korean restaurant, I guessed Kevin's mum ran or worked in. Korean food always have a unique taste, too bad most of their food are spicy which unfortunately my taste buds are uncomfortable with but it was still good. Normally I dont drink but today I drank a small glass of alcohol, just to celebrate Karthik's birthday. After dinner, we went to play pool and again I was so off, I really dunno why. Karthik paid for the entire thing, dinner, desserts, pool, Im guessing around $300 was gone lol but GOOD MAN. Had to get the car out of the mud/grass when I got home cause my mum got it stuck there.

I figured out a reason to keep writing the blog, Im gonna do it to record these cool memories because sadly memories do tend to fade so Im gonna keep recording down the fun stuff that is happening in my life and that way hopefully I wont forget them. :)

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