Monday, 27 July 2009

Ayumi Hamasaki

Just came back from uni, today was pretty average, well at least I didnt have to get up at 8am like last week. Had software lab today, was pretty challenging, learned debugging and functions but once you got the hang of it, it's quite cool.

Thought I'll write about Ayumi Hamasaki today, Ayumi is one of my favourite Japanese artist, I like her music/song genre therefore I like most of her songs. She has been called 'Empress of J-Pop' due to her popularity in Japan, her music swept through Asia, countires like Taiwan, Singapore. I still havent heard all of her songs but from the ones I've already heard, here are the ones I think are good:

Apppears <--3rd equal
Because of You
Dearest <--3rd equal
I Am
Moments <--Favourite
No Way to Say
To Be <--2nd

Here is the link to my favourite song: Moments
Ayumi Hamasaki's official site (english)

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